How can you bravely advocate for your ELLs when your inner voice says, "don't rock the boat?”
I am a former rank-and-file Dual Language teacher with over 25 years experience working with teachers and principals of language learners. I hold four degrees in Bilingual Education (what can I say? I love graduate school). My doctorate (NYU Steinhardt 2020) is in sociolinguistics with a focus on linguistic justice and pathways for teacher advocacy in K-12 schools.
I started this company because I was frustrated that PDs never seemed to address the deficit attitudes monolingual teachers carry in their (well-meaning) efforts to support our bilingual kiddos. And while instructional support holds an important place in any district’s PD calendar, so do equity initiatives that challenge these deficit narratives. That’s where I come in.
Welcome to my company, keep scrolling to learn all about how YOU can join the movement to disrupt the Monolingual Bias.
Lillian Ardell, Ph.D.
Speaker, Consultant, Founder
Hi, I’m Lillian!
what’s the Monolingual Bias?
The Monolingual Bias is a set of deficit ideologies about language that promotes the following narrative: our English Learners must acquire academic English proficiency as an assimilation tool to become more American. Proficiency must be achieved at all costs.
Sound familiar?
Ready to disrupt the bias?
Partner with Language Matters:
So often a Bilingual ED initiative gets dropped into schol districts with little to no support for those tasked with implementing & monitoring their success. We feel your problem, and that’s why we’re here to help. Discover how workshops can help by clicking below.
Transformations don't occur overnight— they require small, brave moments in front of influential educational stakeholders. That’s why my talks focus on empowering communities through bilingual habit-building. Learn more about the keynote by clicking below.
An array of coaching options to help you address your most urgent challenges in Bilingual Ed. including budget restraints and curricular decisions. Let our experience in removing roadblocks transform your school. Discover the difference by clicking below.
She's a vibe…

Feeling Inspired?
Want to disrupt the bias but don’t know how?
Let’s Connect
Follow for engaging food-for-thought content— we share our Bilingual ED take on recent news and articles and would love to hear yours!
Keep up with everything with little snapshots of what we’re doing to make a difference in the Bilingual ED world. Every small step makes a difference and we want to share those with you!
Resources, support and advocacy to engage your bilingual learners, get in touch to see how my services can contribute to your team.